Saturday, July 30, 2011

August Scent and Warmer of the Month

It's not quite August yet, but I figured I could share the new warmer and scent of the month here:

Just Breathe:  Breathe deeply as soothing eucalyptus, zesty lemon, and a medley of mints comfort and rejuvenate.

SolThe majestic sunflower faces the sun throughout the day, actually turning from east to west as it rises and sets—a true lover of light and warmth. Drink in the sun’s rays with Sol, a bright, hand-painted beauty in the sunniest shade of goldenrod, highlighted by hints of chalky white. Delicate, climbing tendrils accent a giant, embossed sunflower in full bloom, as large vent holes emit pronounced beams of light—homage to an endless summer sky.  Capture the essence of the mighty sunflower with Sol.

My personal takes on both monthly items:  I love the warmer since it's so different and so fitting for the month of August.  It's a warmer that would fit in nearly any room, too.  The scent is very different and unexpected.  It's actually a COLD scent, if that makes sense.  I could smell it when I opened the box and it made my nose feel cold.  I don't know how else to explain it.  It's something that certainly needs to be experienced!

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